Test Automation for the REST API

With the REST architecture taking over the old MVC patterns, most API started using just one way to communicate with HTTP. Suddenly the business logic and any kind of data processing was done at the server and the client side was only responsible for representation of data and basic manipulations.

Testing of the REST API layer can be done using the REST-assured library that was developed by jay-way company. RESTful APIs generally are of two types: one returning XML responses and one returning JSON response. The assured - lib supports POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH and HEAD requests and can be used to validate and verify the response of these requests.

You can add a flavor of BDD by using tools like cucumber or specflow:

When /^I send a GET request for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path|
  get path

When /^I send a POST request to "([^\"]*)" with the following:$/ do |path, body|
  post path, body

When /^I send a PUT request to "([^\"]*)" with the following:$/ do |path, body|
  put path, body

When /^I send a DELETE request to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path|
  delete path

Then /^the response should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |status|
  last_response.status.should == status.to_i

Then /^the response JSON should be:$/ do |body|
  JSON.parse(last_response.body).should == JSON.parse(body)


  1. Test Automation for the REST API Thanlku for sharing about this...
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  2. Thanks for the info! Can you please suggest tools for API testing automation?

  3. Anonymous14/3/19

    REST API is a set of functions helping developers in performing requests along with receiving responses. Through HTTP protocol interaction is made in REST API.

    The term REST refers to Representational State Transfer. In very short span of time, it has become an effective standard for API creation.

    Thanks for sharing such a valuable post and Keep Sharing !!!!

    Error Free API testing


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